Cascading Dropdowns

Is there a way to do the cascading drop downs without having to have multiple columns?

I know there is away to display different fields on a form, but I only want to restrict the items displayed in a single dropdown based off a response in a different column. For example: If you have a Category dropdown & a SubCategory dropdown, I want the available options in the subcategory dropdown to be limited based off of the selection in the Category dropdown. I don't want to have multiple columns.

Was thinking there might be some kind of formula that could do this?


  • SoS | Dan Palenchar
    SoS | Dan Palenchar ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    To the best of my knowledge you cannot restrict which options in a drop down menu are selectable.

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

    If my answer helped please accept and react w/💡Insightful, ⬆️ Vote Up, ❤️Awesome!

  • Nick Burrus
    Nick Burrus ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Are there any plans on adding Cascades? There are al ot of threads in the archives asking for it. I also added an enhancement request about 2 years ago for this too.

    Dr. St Nicholas Burrus DHA, PMP

    I build Smartsheets for the US Government, State Government, and about a dozen of the US Fortune 100s.