Is there a way to alert someone if they didn't submit a form today?

I have a daily reports grid and everyone in my team must complete a form everyday. If by 3 on any given day they have yet to do this, I want an email reminder sent to them. Is this possible? Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • Brian Cianciolo
    Brian Cianciolo ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I figured out a workaround.

    I added a column called "Most Recent" where the value is "1" if it is the respective team member's most recent entry and "0" if it is not with the following formula: "=IF(COUNTIF([Team Member]$1:[Team Member]1, [Team Member]1) = COUNTIF([Team Member]:[Team Member], [Team Member]1), 1, 0)". Then, if the there is a row with a "1" in the "Most Recent" column and created on a day other than today, an alert will be sent to that person.


  • Brian Cianciolo
    Brian Cianciolo ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I figured out a workaround.

    I added a column called "Most Recent" where the value is "1" if it is the respective team member's most recent entry and "0" if it is not with the following formula: "=IF(COUNTIF([Team Member]$1:[Team Member]1, [Team Member]1) = COUNTIF([Team Member]:[Team Member], [Team Member]1), 1, 0)". Then, if the there is a row with a "1" in the "Most Recent" column and created on a day other than today, an alert will be sent to that person.