Help Needed: Adding or multiply 2 cells with formulas

jmo ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 08/12/20 in Formulas and Functions

Hi team - I have a simple 4 column sheet I'm trying to test nested IF functions returning a predefined answer and then sum up or multiply the 2 "scores" together:

Impact options:

No impact, service continues at full capacity

Service is limited to 75% capacity available

Service is limited to 50% capacity available

Service is limited to 25% capacity available

Services is not available – 0% available

Impact score formula - this works: =IF(Impact@row = "No impact, service continues at full capacity", "1", IF(Impact@row = "Service is limited to 75% capacity available", "2", IF(Impact@row = "Service is limited to 50% capacity available", "3", IF(Impact@row = "Service is limited to 25% capacity available", "4", IF(Impact@row = "Services is not available – 0% available", "5")))))

Risk options:

Low risk, supplier service is not operationally significant

Med risk, could experience delay in operations or deliverables of an operationally significant service

High risk, could experience service outage of a operationally significant service

Risk score formula - this works: =IF(Risk@row = "Low risk, supplier service is not operationally significant", "1", IF(Risk@row = "Med risk, could experience delay in operations or deliverables of an operationally significant service", "2", IF(Risk@row = "High risk, could experience service outage of a operationally significant service", "3")))


First row: The Total score column will not sum up when I use the following formula, it returns 0: =SUM([Impact score]@row + [Risk score]@row)

Second row: The Total score column will not provide a product when i multiply Impact score by Risk score: =[Impact score]@row * [Risk score]@row ; this returns an #INVALID OPERATION error

What am I missing?

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