"You are not authorized to perform this action"

I am currently trying to pull columns from a sheet using the API

Here is what i have in postman

in my params i have

Key Value

Authorization Bearer (wxmyv*******)

and this is what is returned


  "errorCode": 1004,

  "message": "You are not authorized to perform this action.",

  "refId": "1hnn3pj6p0zl1"



  • Hi @Shariff Carter,

    The "You are not authorized..." error is typically caused by the Authentication header being set incorrectly but may also have to do with the particular access token you're using. You may want to try generating and using a new access token to see if this resolves the issue. If the issue persists even with a new access token, I recommend reaching out to the Support Team as they will be the best resource for troubleshooting this behavior. You can contact Support via the Get Help form at https://help.smartsheet.com/contact/smartsheetapp

    I hope this helps!

