Not received notification mail

Hi Team,

I have created workflow for auto notification based on some date criteria , notification trigger in criteria based date but not received any mail in my outlook inbox. I have received smartsheet notification at my smartsheet account not outlook inbox. an you please help me on the issue...


  • Hi, I am having a similar issue today and yesterday for Approval Workflow emails. The email notifications to Outlook is sometimes taking hours to arrive. However, a few come in almost immediately after someone has approved. This happens on a workflow for the same form. I also receive notification in my Smartsheet account right away, even though there is nothing in my Outlook inbox for an extended period of time. Last week all notifications were coming in very quickly into Outlook. Is there a system issue going on?

  • HI, issue resolved at my end, don't know what is the actual issues but delete my sheet columns and workflow for the same and again add same column and create new workflow.

    and now workflow working fine...

  • hi team,

    getting same issues again. received smartsheet notification but not received any mail at my outlook mail box. please help on this issue.