Copying Multipe Rows to a New Sheet based on the Number entered into one cell from the master sheet

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to create a copy workflow where the value of 1 cell in a particular row will let the system know how many copies I need in my new sheet. For example, My master sheet will have columns for company, department, location, etc. and another column which says "How many employees". If I enter in 5 into that "How many employees" column, in my new sheet, I want 5 rows that repeat the same company, dept, location, etc. and then I can fill out employee info in that new sheet. Does anyone know if that is possible? Thanks!

Best Answers

  • Javier Arbelaez
    Answer ✓

    I don't know that yet. Maybe 10-20.

  • Javier Arbelaez
    Answer ✓

    Interesting. Ok I think I got that. Let me try it out. Thank you!
