How do I have a Dashboard show only 100% not 150%


Please see below example. I want to only show 100% as the top, not 150%. Is that something on the sheet itself that I need to do? If so, I only have a % Complete and % Remaining columns. What would i need to place in there to fix this.


  • L_123
    L_123 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 09/23/20

    You can use a helper column


    and drag it down, then reference the helper column for the chart.

    Or you can use conditional logic to perform this right inside of your % calculation.

    *** my bad, i misunderstood. you can't change the range of the charts.

  • Jennifer Greenough
    Jennifer Greenough Overachievers Alumni


    Smartsheet chart axes are automatically designated and there is no way to customize them (see this string for more information on this). I suggest you submit an Enhancement Request as I agree this is both confusing and non-functional (particularly when you are using percentages).


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