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When creating a report....

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts



I have a report that I've used "in the last 7 days" in the "when" portion of the query.  Is that business days or calendar days?


Thanks in advance!


  • Sandee Hawkins

    I believe the "when" column you can only select date columns and therefore can only use calendar selections.  So if you only want sheets with a start date between March 1 and March 30, you choose the start column > between > 3/1 and 3/30.  Any sheet that fits this and the other criteria you selected will then be populated on your report.  


    If I want to show those items that have been changed (all sheets on my report) within a certain number of days, I choose the highlighter.  And, I believe this follows whatever I have setup in my account as days to include.  Which in my case is business days.

    (Account > Account Admin > Account Settings)

  • JBogert

    Days are always very confiusing in Smartsheet. Because depending on what you are using them for it is business days or calendar days. For example, When you are setting duration in a gant chart, it's business days. But a reminder is set in calendar days. I'm not sure about a report because I haven't done that but I always do a small sample and play around to make sure I get it right.

  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 03/04/16

    While setting the when criteria in a report, you are using calendars days, not business days. Typically the only time business days will be used are when you are using a function related to dependencies.  

  • Jeremy Michels
    Jeremy Michels ✭✭✭✭✭

    Travis you set your business days though, correct? You could set your business days to 7 and all processes would match to get rid of the confusion correct? Is that a good idea? 

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Jeremy - you certainly could set your working days to all 7 days of the week but this would cause problems when scheduling tasks. Unless you are working 7 days a week, you would not want your tasks scheduled every day of the week. One of the nice things about working days is it will only count your duration on your set working days (and will also omit holidays).

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