Report not updating the way it feels like it should

I have a report that looks at all sheets in a certain folder. Well, a folder with two other folders in it that each have the sheets I'm using to create a sheet summary report.

Here's the basic folder setup...

Completed Projects

Active Projects

Active Projects / IT

Active Projects / Bond

Now, the problem. The report is looking at Active Projects and correctly pulling sheet summary info from all sheets in both the Active Projects / IT and Active Projects / Bond folders. However, when I move a project from either of those folders to the Completed Projects folder, that project remains in the report. It feels to me like once it's outside the Active Projects folder that the report should be smart enough to ignore it.

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance.


  • Jana Brits
    Jana Brits ✭✭✭✭


    Does the Active Projects folder contain the Active Projects/IT and Active Projects folder / Bond folder?

    Did you only select the Active Projects folder or did you select both Active Projects/IT and Active Projects / Bond folder in the Report Builder?

    Are you sure that Complete Projects is not part of the "Where" in the Report Builder?

    If the Complete Projects folder does not form part of the "Where" in the Report Builder it is not supposed to include the projects in that folder in the report. It is suppose to update the report and exclude the completed projects.

  • Hi Jana. Active projects includes both the IT and Bond folders.

    I selected the "Active Projects" folder and made sure nothing else was checked. I have gone in and verified it several times as well to make sure someone else didn't accidentally include the completed projects folder in the report.

    If the Complete Projects folder does not form part of the "Where" in the Report Builder it is not supposed to include the projects in that folder in the report. It is suppose to update the report and exclude the completed projects.