Transfer or put someone in copy of an automation email

Hello everyone,

I have the following business use case and I can't find the right answer in Smartsheet :

I implemented some workflows (mostly update requests and apporbations) between some users from my company and external contractors. Here is the global workflow :

  • I have a form with a row that get my comapny user email and the contractor email for a specific subject.
  • The users get updates from contractors and approve or decline them.

I noted that sometimes the users from my company are missing for several days or can't follow their mails, so I would like to have a backup to deal with the pendings approbations.

I was thinking about two ways but I am not sure it is possible to implement this in Smartsheet :

1. Put a backup email person in copy of all the automations I have created, so that if the primary user is missing the backup can deal with the apporbation.

2. Maybe use a generic mail adress to recieve all the notification, and then transfer the mails according to the right user.

Do you have some ideas for this use case ?

Thank you very much !



  • Hi @Corentin Dal Farra,

    1. Put a backup email person in copy of all the automations I have created, so that if the primary user is missing the backup can deal with the apporbation.

    YES, you can do it

    I got an idea for your use case that using "Allow multiple contacts per cell" option

    Step 1: you enable "Allow multiple contacts per cell" option in the email collumn

    Step 2 : In the form, user can enter his/her email and backup email, or many emails needed

    Step 3 : the automation workflow will sent approval request to emails in Step 2.

    Hope it helps!

  • Corentin Dal Farra
    Corentin Dal Farra ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Thinh Huynh

    Thank you for your answer !

    It is a very good solution to have the possibility for the users to have a backup.

    The only thing that I still need to manage is to lock the following possibility : if a person has replied to an automation, his backup should not have the possibility to reply also.

    Thank you again,

    Have a great day,


  • Yes, that's the way Smartsheet working. Once a person has approved the request, the backup would not be able to open the approved request anymore.

    Just check it!