Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Creating a project programme from a number of Project plan sheets

Hi All,

I have project plan sheets set up for my project managers to use. each project has 4 phases which have parent rows set up to catch up each phases progress along with a top line project row that captures overall project progress.

I have created programme reports that look at these sheets to show a project by project progress for senior management to review.

What I would like to do is have a top line programme row that rolls up the individual project dates to give an overall programme start/finish progress % etc?

Is this possible within the report functionality on Smartsheets to add a top programme line or am I going to need to build it on a grid with links to cells on the other sheets?

Attached is the report I have made pulling the projects together, it is the top row pulling it all together for programme detail that I am missing.


Greg Peddell-Grant

Best Answers


  • Thanks Purnima I thought as much.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Eric,

    Thanks for the response, I have already set up what you are suggesting.

    Kind regards,


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