Extracting part of a cell to return in another cell


I'm trying to come up with a formula which will take the website URL in one cell, extract what's called the root domain (website.com) without www. or https:// or any url string after the .com

Here's a couple of examples of the value I have in the cell and what I would like it to return in a horizontal cell:

http://www.internationalrealestatedirectory.com/country/united_states/builders.htm -> internationalrealestatedirectory.com

https://home-directory.biz -> home-directory.biz

http://www.regionaldirectory.us/ -> regionaldirectory.us

Is this something that would be possible given, that there are multiple domain extensions and multiple scenarios that could be before the beginning of the domain? If so, help with the formula would be MUCH appreciated.


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