Adding New Row Auto-Updates Existing Row?


I'm looking for some conceptual help with automating a project flow. I have a master list of copiers with lease expiration date. When a lease expires, I want to build a purchase request form to order a new copier (which should create a new record once complete and received). Is there a way to automatically mark the old record complete (updating existing record) at the same time as adding a new record? Basically, once the new copier is received in Smartsheet, something that goes back to the old copier record and marks it Closed/Returned/Complete?

Thanks for the help!


  • Sean Morgan
    Sean Morgan Employee
    edited 11/06/20

    Hello @Rob Hann ,

    I feel this could be automated using both Workflows and Formulas.

    You could create a based Date Workflow so that When a Date is Reached, with the condition of the Copier = X, for it to then send out an Alert with a Form Link (you'd have to create a new Form, or use something for a new row entry to be added) in the Body of the message.

    From here, you could then use a duplicate checker Formula to search for the same Copier serial number (Or another unique identifier), and then check a checkbox, or set a status when the new entry has been added.

    If possible, please can you share a Screenshot(s) of your current set up, whilst hiding sensitive data, and I'd be more than happy to help create a solution with you.

    Kindest Regards
