Weekly updates when Trigger is set to "when a row is added or changed"

Good morning,

I am trying to send a weekly report of changes on a sheet to a group of users. The best way I have found to do this is setting up the "Trigger" to be "When a row is added or changed", however when I do this my options are limited when it comes to when I want this workflow to run. If I select "Weekly", I do not have the option to indicate a day of of the week or even a time.

When I set it to weekly, will it run weekly based on the day/time I enabled the workflow? For example, if I setup the workflow on Tuesday at 10am, will it now generate every Tuesday at 10am?

Thank you,



  • Hi @Justin Martine

    If you have a workflow set up for when a row is added or changed, then the weekly timing will run between the first Friday at 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM the following Thursday, and messages will be delivered between 12:00 AM and 4:00 AM on the second Friday.

    You can see a breakdown of the different run-times with change-based automations in this Help Center article, here.



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