Display URL on a form based on response to a question

I am trying to build an up front "routing" form to re-direct users to other smartsheets based on their answers to the first question on my form. Based on which value in the dropdown they select, I'd like to display only the appropriate URL of the other form. I want the URL to be clickable, and i'd like to hide the text entry field and the Submit button (because if they pick "response A" in the dropdown, I don't want them to enter anything on this sheet).

See screenshot... I attempted this using field logic... based on the dropdown selection I display a second dummy field with the URL in the form label. This is ok, but (1) it is text only (not clickable), (2) the dummy field is there for them to enter something, and (3) the Submit button is available, so I will get unwanted entries into my sheet.

Any ideas?
