I cannot see my workflows but they are still running

I set up workflows that are still sending update requests. However, when I try to manage my workflows, they are not visible to me. It appears that I have no workflows.

Is anyone else seeing this?

Best Answer


  • Susan Holsapple
    Answer ✓

    Sorry. This was a user error. This was a manual update request and you manage them from another location on the sheet (icon in the right column). This is working as expected.

  • Hi Susan...... I know you said this was user error but could you expand on where you'd set up the notification. Reason for asking....a colleague set up a weekly notification alert and I can't find it on the sheet.....there is nothing in automation ..... I've tried clicking on the right hand tabs but I don't see anything related to alerts. My colleague can't remember where they set it either ...... but the emails are still going out!!

  • Donna, I set up the notification by selecting the the line(s) I wanted updated and then right clicking on the selected lines. This brings up a drop-down menu and near the bottom is the "Send Update Request..." option I chose. This pops up a menu to set up the update request.

    Once you've created your update request(s), you can see which lines have an update request because they have a little mail icon in the "i" column. You can double click on this mail icon to view the update request. You can also click the mail icon in the far right menu to view all of your update requests for the sheet.

    Hope this helps.

  • Thanks for your prompt reply Susan - Great additional bit of knowledge....but unfortunately it doesn't solve my issue. Still can't see where the reminder has been set. Keep on digging!! :0)

  • Donna, are you an owner or admin of the sheet? If not, even if you are an editor, you may not be able to see the workflow your colleague set up. See this page: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2479226-permissions-required-to-create-and-edit-automated-workflows

    This may not be your issue, but just in case, I thought I'd share it.