Security Query


Disclaimer: not an IT person.

I am in the process of assessing Smartsheet as a possible administration tool for work purposes and I was wondering if I can get some advice from international users who have used Smartsheet for storing personal information.

I am outside of the US and the legislative requirements for storing personal information offshore may present an issue for me and I'm wondering if anyone else have overcome something similar?

Is there an option to store Smartsheet data on a nominated server of your choice (is this a thing?)

Also on the topic of security, I have noticed that the password requirements for Smartsheet are quite weak e.g. you can use sequential numbers. Is there a way to strengthen this?

Lastly, I would greatly appreciate some advice on backing up Smartsheet information? Is there a way to set this up so that if I cannot access Smartsheet for whatever reason, I can still access my critical data? E.g. automatically exporting sheets to excel at set times?

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum, but I would greatly appreciate any advice you can offer.

Thanks :)


  • Hello @SJL ,

    With regards to storing data on a chosen server, this wouldn't be possible as of yet, because everything is ran out of the US. For more information on how we keep your data safe, as well as the procedures, please see this article here:

    For increasing the security of your Passwords, you may instead wish to purchase an Enterprise account, where you can then use an SSO option of your choice, giving you the option to encrypt logins, and decide password strengths from your own login page. More on this can be seen here:

    When performing back-ups, you can either Export these manually, or create a cloud backup. We don't yet have a method of automatically exporting at a set time, as Smartsheet would be unable to determine your storage capabilities without having access to your computers/servers hardware. See more on backups here:

    Let me know if you have any questions!

