Using IF -> Cell Reference -> OR

Hey folks,

Basically I'm trying to put a cell reference in between two logical statements. In this case, if either "Person A" or "Person B" are in the cell, return "Team A". Here's my formula:

=IF([Assignee Contact]@row = (OR("Person A", "Person B")), "Team A", "N/A")

I can't find anyone indicating that this is even possible. Right now I'm getting #INVALID OPERATION. For now, I put the OR right after the IF and just referenced the cell in each OR argument, but I have a lot of "persons" and I'm just trying to make the formula as efficient as possible.

Any help is appreciated! Thank you!



  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    IF(OR([Assignee contact]@rrow="Person A", [assignee contact]@row="person B"),"Team A", "N/A")

    If Assignee Contact is a Contact Column then "Person A" needs to be the value of the contact. An easy way to see the value of a contact is to insert a temp Text column that = [Assignee Contact]@row.


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  • Thanks Mark, that's what I ended up doing for the time being. I was hoping that my method above would work out since it was just a cleaner / more efficient approach. I have 3 teams & close to 15 people, so I assumed it would be easier for Smartsheet to reference the cell 3 times instead of 15 times. I also like the way its managed because its easier for someone who isn't as proficient with formulas to add / remove / correct people in there without having to call me up and ask me to fix it 😀

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