PowerBI sheet location/key varies from user to user

Edward Thomas
Edward Thomas ✭✭
edited 06/14/22 in Add Ons and Integrations

Hi all, I'm hoping someone here might be able to address the following issue i've just encountered.

I've created a dashboard in PowerBI to visualize some activities in a sheet. It all works fine on my machine but when I share the PBIX file with another user, the data from SmartSheet returns a blank table. I've managed to conclude that this is due to the sheet being buried in a folder on the other user's account as opposed to appearing in the 'root' on my account.

I've confirmed this on my account by putting sheets in folders (and sub folders) and the result is the same.

So i've got 2 questions:

  1. Is this issue 'known' by Smartsheets? as its quite a limitation when sharing sheets within an organisation
  2. Does anyone have a suggested work around/fix for this issue? (apart from centralizing reporting and not sharing PBIX files...)

I have had some success using Table.Contains in the query to try and locate a specific key but this only works 1 layer down and would be of no use if there are folders within folders...

Hope this is enough info to explain the issue,



  • Hi @Edward Thomas,

    You may also want to post this question in the Power BI Community at https://community.powerbi.com to see if there's a different setting that can be used when sharing, but it also can't hurt to fill out the GetHelp form to contact the Support Team about this behavior. They will be able to see if any bugs have been logged for this and they may know of some possible alternative solutions.

    I hope this helps!

