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Scheduled Monthly report of previous month's activity

Tim Meeks
Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

to all my formula gurus,


Need some help thinking this through.  I want to schedule a report that runs on the first of the month and pulls all data from a sheet where a "Closed Date" occured within the previous month.


So on Feb 1, the report would pull all activity in the month of January where the "Date Closed" occurred between 1/1/17 and 1/31/17. 


I could have the criteria choose "WHEN" Date Closed is in the last 31 days. This would work for the 7 months where that have 31 days. But on the other 5 months, especially Feb, it's going to pull more days.  


I was trying to figure out if there was a way to use the MONTH formula and identify the month the Case was closed and then reporting rows where the Previous Month (=MONTH-1) is 1 less than the current month?  The Current Month would be contained in a 2nd column.  


Any (somewhat simple) ideas?   I may just go with the 31 day rule.....




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