Moving Parent and Child rows to other Sheets



Looking for some help moving rows to another sheet.

We use one specific sheet to track ALL deliveries that come into our warehouse. A clerk in the warehouse makes a Form Entry for every group of items on the same packing slip, and attaches a photo of the packing slip for reference. Remotely, another clerk will read the packing slip and create Child rows under the initial entries for each indivual item in the group. As items are requested and shipped to different locations, they are checked complete, and an Automation moves them to an Archive Sheet.

Child rows could be checked complete at different times, so the intent would be that the Parent row would stay active until all the children had been checked complete, then the last Child and Parent would be checked and move together.

Problem is, any children that have been moved without their parent become... orphans? or un-nested, and our intent would be to keep families together (we do have a lot of fun with this parallel)

We used =COUNT(ANCESTORS()) in a column to create a numeric identifier that will allow us to differentiate between Parent and Child rows, so we can initiate a move only when the Parent has been checked complete, but don't see a way to automate the move of the Child Rows associated with that Parent.

Any help would be appreciated!



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