Gantt Dependencies while using Start, Due, and Complete


I need the “Start” and “Due” columns to be the active “Dependency Settings” to ensure the full schedule self populates during the initial schedule setup.

But, I need the “Complete” column to either override the [Due]@row date, or, reflect on the “Start” date while using predecessors, to update the schedule as items are actually complete.

Note: I also use a few functions and conditional formatting to alert me when the “Due” column is overdue.

My full project schedules have over 200 rows each, and I run about 60 projects at a time by myself. So basically, I need to use this setup to quickly populate task completion dates, with automatic schedule updates, without spending time revising my due columns, predecessor columns, or duration columns.

Any ideas? Anyone else have this Gantt issue?

I've racked my brain for 6 months, and have come up with no fix for this. Please be my hero!


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