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Problem: Notify "Assigned To" user when a Web Form has been submitted

Kent Vaughn
Kent Vaughn ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have created a very simple action item tracker.  

One requirement was I wanted to have an automated email be sent to a specfic team member when that member was assigned via the "Assigned To" field.   ( Otherwise how do people know they have assignments? ) 


Next requirement was to use a Web Form to make it super simple to click a link in my toolbar, fill out the web form and be done.  Slick! 


I created a Column dedicated to each team member ( hidden ).   This column would be set to "1" if the team member name is selected in the Assigned To column.  Then create an alert if Any Change occurs on the Team Members Column.  This works fine if I enter the data via the Grid.  But if I use the Web Form SmartSheets will indicate each of these dedicated Team Member columns "has been changed" and every team member gets an email for ANY web form entry, regardless if they are the member selected in the Assigned To Field. 



This seems like such an obvious thing to be able to do - but I'm beginning to think that without additional conditional logic for Alerts/Reminders it might not be possible today. 


Has anyone found a solution for this scenario? 




  • Kent Vaughn
    Kent Vaughn ✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/17/17

    After continued investigation, it does appear Zapier has an integration which solves this particular siutation.   Thanks to Craig Williams for posting numerous times about utilizing Zapier to solve certain problems.   I'd still prefer a native SmartSheet solution since I'm already paying for one solution, but until that time this will probably do the trick. 



  • Yea, that's the biggest hurdle right now...having multiple "apps" just to get this or that needed function and  somehow persuading upper management to approve it.


    Any chance Smartsheet can create an in-house solution

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