How do we get the rights of a user in Sailpoint?

I’m trying to write a policy violation in Sailpoint. But I don’t know how to get the rights of the user who is asking a new right. I’ve tried this:

List links1 = null;

IdentityService service = new IdentityService(context);

Application app1 = context.getObjectByName(Application.class, “Autres”);

try { links1 = service.getLinks(identity, app1);

} catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage());


} List DUList1 = new ArrayList();

if(links1.size() != 0){ Object DUObj = links1.get(0).getAttribute(“DU”);

if(DUObj != null){ if (DUObj instanceof String) DUList1.add((String) DUObj);

else DUList1.addAll((List) DUObj);

} }

It was supposed to return the list of the rights that the user has and the rights that he is asking. But it doesn’t work.
