Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Using IF AND OR Formulas

I'm trying to populate a column "Risk Impact", based on values from the column : Severity and Likelihood.

The values are as follows:

Value should be Medium

When :

Very Unlikely vs Minor

Unlikely vs Significant

Possible vs Significant

Major vs Likely

Major vs Very Likely

Severe vs Very Likely

Value should be Very Low

When :

Negligible vs Unlikely

Negligible vs Possible

Negligible vs Likely

Negligible vs Almost Certain

Minor vs Almost Certain

Value should be Low

When :

Negligible vs Rare

Minor vs Unlikely

Minor vs Possible

Minor vs Likely

Significant vs Likely

Significant vs Almost Certain

Value should be High

When :

Significant vs Rare

Major vs Unlikely

Major vs Possible

Severe vs Possible

Severe vs Likely

Value should be Extreme

When :

Major vs Rare

Severe vs Rare

Severe vs Unlikely 

I believe a combination of IF, AND, OR is required

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    =IF(OR(AND(Severity@row = "severe", Likelihood@row = "Likely"), (AND(Severity@row = "severe", Likelihood@row = "Possible"))), "High", IF(OR(AND(Severity@row = "Significant", Likelihood@row = "Likely"), (AND(Severity@row = "Significant", Likelihood@row = "Almost Certain"))), "Low", "nothing"))

    this should get you started, you just have to repeat w/ copy/paste the same pattern for all the or and ANDs. this was my result of my small test....

    Severe Likely High

    Severe Possible High

    Significant Almost Certain Low


  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    =IF(OR(AND(Severity@row = "severe", Likelihood@row = "Likely"), (AND(Severity@row = "severe", Likelihood@row = "Possible"))), "High", IF(OR(AND(Severity@row = "Significant", Likelihood@row = "Likely"), (AND(Severity@row = "Significant", Likelihood@row = "Almost Certain"))), "Low", "nothing"))

    this should get you started, you just have to repeat w/ copy/paste the same pattern for all the or and ANDs. this was my result of my small test....

    Severe Likely High

    Severe Possible High

    Significant Almost Certain Low

  • That worked absolutely fine. Thanks,

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