I am trying to create a timecard that auto fills cells based on a table of job numbers, cost codes, phases, and job names.

I am using the VLOOKUP function and it is giving me a #NO MATCH.

=IF([Job Number]@row = 120403, VLOOKUP([Cost Code]@row, [Job Number]33:[Phase (Area)]45, 3, false), VLOOKUP([Job Number]@row, [Job Number]33:[Phase (Area)]45, 3, false))

Ideally, when someone chooses a job number and cost code the job name and phase would populate.. making for less data entry and less errors.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do?

Please help. Thanks!


  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 12/10/20

    Hi @Sidonia Posteuca 

    Hope you are fine, could you please share a screenshot for your sheet after you remove any sensitive date

    PMP Certified


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  • PYI
    PYI ✭✭


    i am also facing some problem like this,,,, i have two sheet...

    Sheet 1 contains columns like Project Nr (Generated by formula), team , area, start date,end date.....

    Sheet 2 ,, i would like to use cross sheet formula to fetch all details based on project nr,,, so i used VLOOKUP formula and specified same project nr to fetch info ... but it shows no match...

    should i have to covert project Nr column to number in sheet1?

    Thank you for ur time and support...

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