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Sum using symbols

Jamie Bachman
Jamie Bachman ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Can I sum the columns where I used a symbol to show the value?

for example - if I use the Stars Symbol for 'Size of effort' - Empty stars = 0, 1 Star = 1...

and the Faces for 'level of urgency' - No Pain = 0; to Extreme Pain = 5

the total Size + Urgency should be ~ 1 star + Extreme pain = 6

If I use the basic sum formula =sum([Size of Effort]1+[Level of Urgency]1)

It totals to 0.

I do not want a simple 0-5 number dropdown option for everything because it does not tell the same story as the symbols. ButI need the functional numberic math to work in the formula.




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