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Automatically Update Master Sheet Linked to Other lesser sheets

Hi Guys


Now this might sound basic but I havent figured it out just yet lol.
Basically I want to have the master sheet and when the users of the other linked sheets add a row of data to their sheet, it updates and adds it to the Master sheet also.


Is this possible with the linked cells function?


  • Marcus Odum
    Marcus Odum ✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/26/17



    Not sure if you can dynamically create new rows wen a new row is created within Smartsheet; however, you may be able to leverage this using Microsoft Flow.


    You can use the trigger "When a new row is created"  from the lesser sheets followed by "Insert Row" to the master sheet. 


    I know it is outside of Smartsheet, but may be a viable workaround until this feature is available.



  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/27/17


    What you describe is possible using cell linking but you will be making a lot of work for yourself so tread cautiously. 

    Two ideas that would be far more intuitive and easy to maintain a watching brief would be...

    In each sheet decide what are your KPI's and summ them in the sheet, maybe at the top and then Cell link just thise KPIs to your master sheet. 

    or 2 

    Creat a Report that takes data from all the contributing sheets according to filtered criteria of what you want to see. 

    In either solution you only need to work on the contributing sheets, the summary info appears automatically. 

    Hope that helps





  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    One thing to note if you are using Reports to aggregate data to your users: Reports let you manipulate data that already exists, but they do not allow you to add new rows to your data.

  • Markell Bryant
    edited 03/06/17

    Thanks for all the responses guys.


    @RichardRymill SBP I think I will give this alternate method a go. 


    Thanks Again

  • Thanks for all the responses guys.


    @RichardRymill SBP I think I will give this alternate method a go. 


    Thanks Again

  • I've used zapier to do something like this.

  • Guys - I've been doing this for over a year through azuqua, which is very similar to Microsoft flows (processes in azuqua are called flows). Attachments and all. I'm sure Microsoft will add the capability sooner than later. 

    I've explored this pretty thoroughly and worked out all the kinks if you'd like some help navigating. It gets pretty complex the further you get into it; lots of possibilities. 

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