Project Intake vs. Project Metadata

Is it necessary to have both types of sheets (Project Intake and Project Metadata)? Or, can the Project Intake sheet serve the same purpose of providing the roll up information into a PMO dashboard? And link all relevant sheets and/or cells so that the Project Intake sheet maintains updated?


  • Since the majority of my new projects will become a real project, I chose to put my intake projects into the main repository and filter them out as needed. If it were the case that few became projects, I'd certainly use a separate sheet and use automation to copy rows out once a project becomes real.

  • Scott Bales
    Scott Bales ✭✭✭✭

    I was wondering the same thing. Having to copy the applicable project id from the project intake sheet into each corresponding project's metadata sheet is just one more task I'll have to remember upon initiation of each new project. I've been using Smartsheet for less than a week, so perhaps I'm not grasping the logic yet. : )