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Implementing multiple dates in annual plan

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts



My company is considering Smartsheet so I signed up for a free trial to just try out implementing our Annual plan, we have it in excel today.


But am having a hard time adding multiple dates to each row, where each row is a persons annual plan and shows an overview over important weeks through the year.


Se screenshot attached.


My question is: Is it possible to add multiple dates on the same row in a simple way or do I have to add each and every one as a start/end date for every person?







  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    can I respectively suggest that just doing what you did in Excel but doing it in Smartsheet, you will miss out on so many of the new opportunities to imporve your collaboration workflow and visibility. 

    Yes you CAN do what you ask, but it may not be the best way to get what you need. 

    Can I offer you a Free Consultation to discuss what you are looking to achieve here as I'm sure my people can help you make fast progress with well tried methodologies. 

    Please dont take offence from my comments? 



    my email is richardr@smarterbusinessprocesses.com, If you are in Norway there is minimal time difference to myself in the UK.

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