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Filter based update requests

Hello dear Smartsheet staff,


I noticed discussions about update requests, some concern single or multiple rows, others concern columns or the whole sheet.

Could it be possible to implement FILTER-BASED update requests?

I guess that would satisfy everybody's needs.




  • Hello Laurent,


    I'd love to pass your feedback along to our Product team for this enhancement request, but I have a question:


    Are you wanting Update Reqeusts to be sent based on specific conditions? 


    Send x an Update Request when Status = Open

  • Hello Shaine,


    Yes excatly, on specific conditions, updates would be done to specific columns, as possible in SQL.



  • WRSmith
    WRSmith ✭✭

    Is there any update on this? I am having a similar problem. I set up filters for each task owner in my smartsheet, with specific criteria, (% Complete less than 100, start date is not in the future, etc.) to send update requests with only the tasks they need to report on at the time. Is there a way to create a dynamic automatic update request based on these filters? I currently have requests going out weekly based on what the filters returned at the time of creation, but the rows in the request do not change. The update request is tied to the row number, not the filter results. Is there a trick to accomplish dynamic, automatic, filter-based update requests?

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