Need help calculating Time (New to Smartsheet Formulas)


Hi all - I've searched and read through various questions/ responses regarding Time calculations and have come to the realization that I need help.

I have a Start Time and End Time (Start & End of Trainings) - I used a dropdown from 07:00 to 23:30 (We typically train within business hours 8a-5p EST - but every so often there is one that is is at 7 am or after hours ).

Column Name: Start Date (Column Type: DATE)

Column Name: End Date (Column Type: DATE)

Column Name: Start Time (EST) (Column Type: Single Select Dropdown)

Column Name: End Time (EST) (Column Type: Single Select Dropdown)

I would like to have the following columns calculated:

Duration (Hours) & Duration (Minutes)

I was able to create a NetworkDays formula & Minutes but it's not accurate data as it does not take into account actual hours trained (some training are 3.5 hrs etc..) I would LOVE the duration auto-calculated vs manually adding duration to obtain the data..

Any thoughts on how to go about this - changes I should make to my existing columns?



Best Answer

  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    =((VALUE(LEFT([End Time (EST)]@row, FIND(":", [End Time (EST)]@row) - 1)) + (VALUE(RIGHT([End Time (EST)]@row, 2)) / 60)) - (VALUE(LEFT([Start Time (EST)]@row, FIND(":", [Start Time (EST)]@row) - 1)) + (VALUE(RIGHT([Start Time (EST)]@row, 2)) / 60))) * (([End Date]@row - [Start Date]@row) + 1)

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  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Jani Luna ,

    @Paul Newcome is the Smartsheet time genius. Borrowing from him:

    Rename your [Duration (Hours)] column as [Duration] and enter this formula:

    =INT(DurHelp@row) + ":" + IF((DurHelp@row - INT(DurHelp@row)) * 60 < 10, "0") + (DurHelp@row - INT(DurHelp@row)) * 60

    Rename your [Duration (Minutes)] column as [DurHelp], for duration helper. Enter this formula:

    =((VALUE(LEFT([End Time (est)]@row, FIND(":", [End Time (est)]@row) - 1)) + VALUE(RIGHT([End Time (est)]@row, 2)) / 60) + ([End Date]@row - [Start Date]@row) * 24) - (VALUE(LEFT([Start Time (est)]@row, FIND(":", [Start Time (est)]@row) - 1)) + VALUE(RIGHT([Start Time (est)]@row, 2)) / 60)

    If the course goes longer than a day the duration includes the night. You can adjust the duration to remove the night if you want to track class hours.



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  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the shoutout, @Mark Cronk

    @Jani Luna My first question would be... Are your trainings actually running overnight?

    So we start at 8:00am on the 6th and we have a continuous training until 12:00pm on the 7th for a total duration of 28 hours?

  • Jani Luna

    @Mark Cronk & @Paul Newcome - Hi!

    No, they do not run overnight. Each row represents a different training and the Start and End time for each day of the training. Training that starts on 5-Jan to 6-Jan..started at 0900 to 1200 (3hrs) each day (Total Training of 6 hrs.)

    I originally had these extra 3 columns:

    Duration (Work Days): =NETWORKDAYS([Start Date]@row, [End Date]

    Duration (Hours):=[Duration (Work Days)]@row * 24

    Duration (Mins): =[Duration (Hrs)]@row * 60

    And then realized that would not work....🤦‍♀️

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 01/13/21

    Ok. So it is the hourly duration between start and end time multiplied by the number of days?

    In that case I would suggest (for a total duration):

    =((VALUE(LEFT([End Time (est)@row, FIND(":", [End Time (est)@row) - 1)) + (VALUE(RIGHT([End Time (est)@row, 2)) / 60)) - (VALUE(LEFT([Start Time (est)@row, FIND(":", [Start Time (est)@row) - 1)) + (VALUE(RIGHT([Start Time (est)@row, 2)) / 60))) * ((End Date]@row - [Start Date]@row) + 1)

    This converts the End Time into a number:

    (VALUE(LEFT([End Time (est)@row, FIND(":", [End Time (est)@row) - 1)) + (VALUE(RIGHT([End Time (est)@row, 2)) / 60))

    This converts the Start Time into a number:

    (VALUE(LEFT([Start Time (est)@row, FIND(":", [Start Time (est)@row) - 1)) + (VALUE(RIGHT([Start Time (est)@row, 2)) / 60))

    This gives us the number of days:

    ((End Date]@row - [Start Date]@row) + 1)

    Then we put everything together like so:

    =(End Time Number - Start Time Number) * Number Of Days

  • Jani Luna

    Newbie here..... Do I first adjust my columns as @Mark Cronk suggested? And then include a Total Duration column with the @Paul Newcome formula?

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    For the solution I posted, you would not need to change any existing data. You would just use the formula as is to calculate the total duration.

    After reviewing my previously posted formula, I did find where I had missed some closing square brackets around some column names. Here it is corrected:

    =((VALUE(LEFT([End Time (est)]@row, FIND(":", [End Time (est)]@row) - 1)) + (VALUE(RIGHT([End Time (est)]@row, 2)) / 60)) - (VALUE(LEFT([Start Time (est)]@row, FIND(":", [Start Time (est)]@row) - 1)) + (VALUE(RIGHT([Start Time (est)]@row, 2)) / 60))) * ((End Date]@row - [Start Date]@row) + 1)

  • Jani Luna

    I also attempted to change the lowercase (est) to (EST) no avail.

    =((VALUE(LEFT([End Time (EST)]@row, FIND(":", [End Time (EST)]@row) - 1)) + (VALUE(RIGHT([End Time (EST)]@row, 2)) / 60)) - (VALUE(LEFT([Start Time (EST)]@row, FIND(":", [Start Time (EST)]@row) - 1)) + (VALUE(RIGHT([Start Time (EST)]@row, 2)) / 60))) * ((End Date]@row - [Start Date]@row) + 1)

  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    =((VALUE(LEFT([End Time (EST)]@row, FIND(":", [End Time (EST)]@row) - 1)) + (VALUE(RIGHT([End Time (EST)]@row, 2)) / 60)) - (VALUE(LEFT([Start Time (EST)]@row, FIND(":", [Start Time (EST)]@row) - 1)) + (VALUE(RIGHT([Start Time (EST)]@row, 2)) / 60))) * (([End Date]@row - [Start Date]@row) + 1)

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