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Getting alerts when a new row is added to a sheet..?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi all,


I'm trying to figure out how to get an alert when a new row is added to a sheet. I use Zapier to pull data from Pipeline Deals, which adds a row that I then edit as needed.


What I was trying to do is get the sheet to notify me when one of those fields that are ALWAYS populated when Zapier pulls the info into SmartSheets, changes.


However, it isn't working. I assume this is because entry of a new line isn't recognized by the alert process as a "change"...?


any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    You should be able to create a column [Updated from Zapier] and populate this from Zapier with text, number, or a date.

    Sent your Notification to trigger on changes to this column.


    This should work.



  • In order to set a notification: (using the website not the app)


    when youre in the desired sheet to receive updates, click the "Alerts" option at the bottom. Click to add a new notification. You can click the bolded words to adjust accordingly aka "Send [who] an email [when] when [what] changes. I have mine to send me an email right away when anything changes. 


    Hope that helps!


  • @J. Craig - That's exactly what I did, and it wasn't working. I did several test "zaps" and ...nada. So I posted on here, then left it alone and moved on to something else. About 30 min later - it started working as designed. I guess I just needed to give it a bit to propogate.



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I've noticed recently (this calendar year) that Zaps are taking a longer time to develop because of that delay you witnessed. There are other behavior oddities that have me perplexed and annoyed. Both Zapier and Smartsheet support claim nothing has changed. I have been around software development to be skeptical of that response.



  • TJ-Webfoot
    edited 03/02/17



    I agree, something seems strange this year thus far. We're also encountering an issue in SS, with our primary active sheet, navigating it takes a horribly long time. Applying filters, sorting, and just scrolling has a massive amount of lag. SS and my ISP support are pointing the fingers at each other. The sheet is massive, but there aren't any custom formulas whatsover or anything else that would cause a lag due to calculations happening in the background.


    I've built reports off of the sheet that enables me to get to the data quicker, but some things can only be edited in the primary sheet. Frustrating.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Reports are a lot slower for me than sheets.


    I have one sheet with lots of check boxes and formulas that takes a long time (20-30 seconds) to open the Find dialog for the first time. Not sure what that is about either.



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