Populating a daily Schedule when there is a range for a task


Hey all - I'm hoping someone can jump in and help us with a formula that will look at all the dates in the range and help us pull the information into another sheet when any of the dates in the range are the lookup.

This is our master scheduling sheet which shows a box scheduled for pouring Mar8-Mar17...so 8 production days.

In another sheet, we want to populate the daily schedule for the week of March 8-12 and we need the box to show up in each day.

Using this formula, we can populate the Mar 8th date as it's the first pour date.

=IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT({Structure ID}, {Cell}, Workstation@row, {Production Start Sched}, $Monday$1), 1), "N/A")

But based on looking at the cell in the master schedule (13 1 3 (1219 box)) and the date we also need to populate the remainder of the week with the same information. Instead of the {Production Start Sched} reference - what would we use to look at the entre start-finish date range?



@Kris Rea FYI



  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Instead of doing the daily schedule as a sheet, could you do it as a report and show the tasks populating in a calendar view? That way they would stretch across all dates in the range?

    Would that be easier?

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