Budget Calculation


I am attempting to calculate the expected spend year to date with a formula that references data in a month column where MONTH(TODAY()) - 1. This works, but when the new year started, it reset all of the expected spend year to date back to 0. Is there away to set a formula that won't

=IF(Month6 = "12", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (December)]6), IF(Month6 = 11, SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (November)]6), IF(Month6 = 10, SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (October)]6), IF(Month6 = 9, SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (September)]6), IF(Month6 = "8", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (August)]6), IF(Month6 = "7", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (July)]6), IF(Month6 = "6", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (June)]6), IF(Month6 = "5", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (May)]6), IF(Month6 = "4", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (April)]6), IF(Month6 = "3", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (March)]6), IF(Month6 = "2", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (February)]6), IF(Month6 = "1", [Budget (January)]6, 0))))))))))))

Any thoughts on an alternative formula?




  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Nathan,

    You need to add a year check if you want last year's spend to remain. Insert a column YEAR unless you have a date field you can use to determine spend year. Then try:

    =IF([Year]@row<year(today()), SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (December)]6), IF(Month6 = "12", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (December)]6), IF(Month6 = 11, SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (November)]6), IF(Month6 = 10, SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (October)]6), IF(Month6 = 9, SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (September)]6), IF(Month6 = "8", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (August)]6), IF(Month6 = "7", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (July)]6), IF(Month6 = "6", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (June)]6), IF(Month6 = "5", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (May)]6), IF(Month6 = "4", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (April)]6), IF(Month6 = "3", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (March)]6), IF(Month6 = "2", SUM([Budget (January)]6:[Budget (February)]6), IF(Month6 = "1", [Budget (January)]6, 0)))))))))))))



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  • Nathan Umbriac
    Nathan Umbriac ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks @Mark Cronk. What do I need to add in the Year fields?

  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Nathan,

    To use the formula I provides, add text/number column titled [Year]. In the rows add the 4 digit year of the transaction. Your 2020 months should recalculate to last year and not restart with 0 in Jan.



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