Chart Showing Negative Numbers When Value is Zero

I have a chart that has several categories of expenses. The value of one category is zero. When plotting the values, Smartsheet's chart shows -200 on the vertical axis. Is there a way to say start at zero?


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Are you able to provide a screenshot of the data and explain how the data is populated to include any formulas you may be using?

  • Nick Allgauer
    Nick Allgauer ✭✭✭✭

    Sure. Attached below is a screenshot. The data set on the far left is calculated using a sum of data linked to other sheets. The data set on the far right us a replication of the data on the left with the following formula:

    =ROUND([Column2]@row - 2) / 1000

    The purpose of this is to eliminate any decimals and then show the amount in thousands (reduce # 0s displayed in the graphs).

    The ones causing the -200 to show up in my chart are "On-Site Requirements" where the value is 0.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    When you hover over the "On-Site Requirements" on the graph, what number does it show?

  • Your values in On-Site Requirements must be returning values that smartsheet somehow views them as worth being below 0. I had this issue and corrected it by adding wrapping my equations with MAX function and zero as one of the inputs.

    For your case, I suggest doing this for all your chart inputs:

    =MAX( 0 , ROUND([Column2]@row - 2) / 1000 )



    BONUS: If you want to test this the case, go to your dashboard, edit the chart, and instead of selecting all columns, select your X and one Y column at a time.

    Apparently not all zeros were made equal.