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How to organize smartsheet for multiple column updates monthly


I would like some suggestions on how to use smartsheet for my application which collects data for a metric.  For my application, I have 50+ projects that are spread across multiple businesses.  For each project, each month the owner needs to enter 4-5 data values to report the monthly metrics for their project. We need to keep the values from each month so we can show trends.  There are also other metrics that need to be enterred initially, and might be updated occasionally.   I need to create a report for stakeholders that shows the current month's metrics for their business.   This report will become the "single source" of truth...so once it is generated, we don't want people to be able to change their values.  I don't know if I should create multiple sheets, or just one sheet, and do I put the monthly data values in a series of columns (e.g. jan value1, jan value2, feb value 1, feb value 2) - or use multiple sheets for each month?


  • Anna Mkrtchyan



    I would recommend keeping your projects on their own individual sheet (so you can share each project with the correct people), and bringing all of the information together through reporting, cell linking, and Sights dashboards. 


    I'll follow up with you by email to set up a call to discuss how to do this in a bit more detail. 


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