Automation Notification set up for a sheet that is linked to a main sheet

Andree has answered my question this morning about Automation Notifications for a sheet that is linked to a main sheet.

So I have tested my changes for Automation Permissions and I still have not received my notification. My main sheet is set up to notify me whenever changes are made to the sheet and I receive those notifications immediately, but nothing from the sheet that I have linked to my main sheet. Is there a reason why does this not work for me. Other team members are waiting on these notifications to come through indicating deadline dates for our planning process (I have 26 notifications set up for the linked sheet, but have not received any of them.

Can you help with this again?


Wanda J.

Best Answers

  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    The only thing I can say on the screen shots here Wanda is - are you absolutely sure that the Newly Added Event tickbox is ticked BEFORE the newly added sheet is saved for the first time. I.e. if the record is being added via a form, is the Newly Added Column part of the form?

    If it is a formula on the record that is being calculated after the form submission has hit the record, then it won't trigger as it would be a change to the record rather than being set by the addition of the record.

    Can you confirm that the checkbox is indeed part of the initial data collection - i.e. it gets ticked BEFORE the record is ever saved?

    If you change the trigger to Added or Changed records rather than just Added records then this might sort it out?

    What are your thoughts?

  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Yay!! That is great :)

    Well done for testing it out and phew! So glad it is working now!


  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer Community Champion

    I am sorry Wanda, but I am confused as to your scenario.

    You need your notifications to be declared in the sheet that you want them to fire from.

    I don't understand the "linked sheet" element of your scenario. Each sheet has an automation menu which will control the automated workflows for itself only, I don't believe there is a feature in smartsheet where the notifications from Sheet A will fire in Sheet B, even if they are linked?

    Maybe I am completely mis-understanding your scenario! Sorry if I am. Any chance you could explain what you mean by its not running in the linked sheet?

    Kind regards


  • Wanda Jackson
    Wanda Jackson ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Debbie, thanks for responding. I have 26 notifications set up for my sheet that is linked to the main sheet. I have notifications set up to notify me and the team when a date is 5 days remaining, 10 days remaining, 20 days remaining and 30 days remaining. For one of my events, we are now at -9 days remaining, which means we have now missed the deadline date for submission. None of the notifications mentioned above have come through. Also, I have the notification screen shot listed below and it has not come through either.

    I hope this makes better sense.

    See my screen shots below.

    Notification tied to my sheet that is linked to my main sheet:

    **I still do not receive this notification. I have added and un-added 2 different events and when added the box is checked. This is when I should get the notification but I do not.

    **Boxes have been checked and unchecked for testing and notifications still do not work

    **Automation Permissions have been changed to Unrestricted

    **Personal Preferences are all marked

    My Main Sheet screen shots - My Personal settings are still the same for the Linked sheet

    **I get this notification immediately from my main sheet, but no notifications from my linked sheet

    **Automation Permissions are the same as they are for the linked sheet

  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    The only thing I can say on the screen shots here Wanda is - are you absolutely sure that the Newly Added Event tickbox is ticked BEFORE the newly added sheet is saved for the first time. I.e. if the record is being added via a form, is the Newly Added Column part of the form?

    If it is a formula on the record that is being calculated after the form submission has hit the record, then it won't trigger as it would be a change to the record rather than being set by the addition of the record.

    Can you confirm that the checkbox is indeed part of the initial data collection - i.e. it gets ticked BEFORE the record is ever saved?

    If you change the trigger to Added or Changed records rather than just Added records then this might sort it out?

    What are your thoughts?

  • Wanda Jackson
    Wanda Jackson ✭✭✭✭✭


    The way I have it set up is a form is completed that adds the new event to my main sheet. The 'Newly Added Event' checkbox is required to be marked on the initial form. The main sheet has a notification set up to 'Copy' the event over to my other sheet once it has been added. My other sheet has the above 'Added' notification, so I thought that when any event was added to the sheet it would trigger the notification since it was added and my notification is for when rows are added and 'Newly Added Event' is checked.

    No formula is being used.

    I will change the trigger to Added or Changed with the 'Newly Added Event' checkbox being the condition for the trigger.

    I hope this works, otherwise all of my work has been in vain and I will have to start over with something different.

  • Wanda Jackson
    Wanda Jackson ✭✭✭✭✭

    Debbie, just letting you know that the trigger change allowed my notification to come through this morning.

    Thank you for your help with this matter.

  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Yay!! That is great :)

    Well done for testing it out and phew! So glad it is working now!