How to report a BUG in DataMesh?


I have found a bug in DataMesh but I am unable to find a place to report it. How to report bugs in Smartsheet?

Bug description:

When a target sheet is renamed the DataMesh config works well further but the sheet name is not updated in the config description.

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @KDM and @Zoltan Somogyi,

    The Community Feedback form is specific to the online Community. You can use this to report a Bug with the forum (for example if you're unable to update your profile in the Community, or comment on a post, etc). However please note that this feedback form is not related to the Smartsheet application.

    For reporting bugs or issues in regards to Smartsheet products (either the Smartsheet core application or Premium Applications such as DataMesh) please submit a Support ticket so that our Technical team can look into this.

    You can find the Support form here:



    Community Moderator


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Zoltan Somogyi

    To answer your question on how to report a bug- in the menu in upper left of community homepage -

    select Community Feedback

    After the form opens, one can select 'BUG' as a dropdown option

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @KDM and @Zoltan Somogyi,

    The Community Feedback form is specific to the online Community. You can use this to report a Bug with the forum (for example if you're unable to update your profile in the Community, or comment on a post, etc). However please note that this feedback form is not related to the Smartsheet application.

    For reporting bugs or issues in regards to Smartsheet products (either the Smartsheet core application or Premium Applications such as DataMesh) please submit a Support ticket so that our Technical team can look into this.

    You can find the Support form here:



    Community Moderator