automation - alert someone - using two criteria?

It appears you can only set them up with the logic of "or" and not the logic of "and" is that accurate?

I.e. when rows are added or changed and iOS device in scope is yes or iOS device number is blank.

How can I write an automation to say the following:

I.e. when rows are added or changed and iOS device in scope is yes AND iOS device number is blank.

I need an alert when iOS device in scope is YES and when there is no number entered in the iOS device number field. Any thoughts? Can an automation be written around 2 criteria?


  • Adrian Backus
    Adrian Backus ✭✭✭✭

    You would add the additional condition as a condition statement:

    Trigger: when rows are added or changed and iOS device in scope is yes

    Add a condition: where iOS device number is blank

    Action: Send an alert.

    You then have the option to add an action for what happens if the device scope is yes and the number is not blank, but you don't have to do that if you don't have an alternative process.

  • Yes, Adrian, that makes sense. Perfect. I was not thinking about adding a condition. That works.

    But now I struggle with something new.

    Although I have chosen "when rows are added or changed", it will trigger the alert when rows are added, but it will not trigger the alert, after the row was changed (although I make sure I save the change).

    If I remove my "Nb of iOS device" the field will turn yellow due to my conditional formatting. But it's supposed to also alert me, that "Nb of iOS device" is now blank.

    It only works with new rows, but it does not work in an existing row. What could I be doing wrong?