Can you have several logics in a form?

I have a form with two logics. It appears the first logic negates the second one. How can I have more than one logic in a form?

  1. Logic: If yes, show all remaining questions. If not, only show the final question
  2. Logic: When I reach question 3, if yes, skip over question 4 and go to 5.
  3. Logic: When I reach question 5, if yes, skip over question 6 and go to 7.

Logic #1 is working. Logic #2 and #3 are not. They do not skip over question 4 or question 5. I think it is because I stated in logic #1 to show all remaining questions.

Is there a way to have more than 1 logic in a form?

Best Answers

  • Dale Murphy
    Dale Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Barbara Witt It is possible to have logic related to more than one field/question in a form.

    As you observe though, the logic from one field needs to be in harmony with the logic of other fields.

    It seems that for Q1 you don't really want to show all remaining questions; you only want to show to Q3 where more fields will be revealed depending on that answer.

    I think if you build the logic that way - sequentially I suppose - you can get what you want.

    I have not been able to build logic that removes a field from display. The form logic only adds more fields. At least, that is the logic ;) I apply when building forms.

  • Barbara Witt
    Barbara Witt ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    This makes sense, D. Thanks so much. I created little logic steps and it is working now. Perfect.


  • Dale Murphy
    Dale Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Barbara Witt It is possible to have logic related to more than one field/question in a form.

    As you observe though, the logic from one field needs to be in harmony with the logic of other fields.

    It seems that for Q1 you don't really want to show all remaining questions; you only want to show to Q3 where more fields will be revealed depending on that answer.

    I think if you build the logic that way - sequentially I suppose - you can get what you want.

    I have not been able to build logic that removes a field from display. The form logic only adds more fields. At least, that is the logic ;) I apply when building forms.

  • Barbara Witt
    Barbara Witt ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    This makes sense, D. Thanks so much. I created little logic steps and it is working now. Perfect.