Change values on TableA based on a change/correction request on TableB

Viktor Palles
Viktor Palles ✭✭
edited 02/03/21 in Formulas and Functions

Hi All,

hope all is well.

Currently I am working on an attendance tracker model, which will be used as a data table. The users will have predefined values on TableA for the whole year, which means that based on those everyone works every day during the whole year (which we know that isn't the case), so users need to submit an absence request via a WebForm and report it accordingly, I hoped that with a WebForm values on an existing table can be overwritten, but it's not the case (or at least I didn't dig maybe enough deep), so these submitted forms are tracked on TableB.

Now the issue is/are:

  1. in the form I have start & end date, but I would need to extract all the days between the two dates, most likely sth. like that: will work - any experience with this particular piece?
  2. is there another way, how this change could happen on TableA automatically? Like with an IF formula?

I would like to reduce the steps for the users, but as well as for us, as admins & in case the content on TableB could overwrite the predefined values on TableA that would be really helpful.

Thanks for any hints & thoughts - Viktor


Best Answer


  • Sean Morgan

    Hello @Viktor Palles ,

    If possible, please you you provide some screenshots of your Sheets (Whilst hiding any sensitive data), and I would love to help find the best solution for you.

    You are correct in that Values cannot be overwritten from a Web Form submissions as it creates a New Row, but you could always use a Formula such as =IF(COUNTIF([Email Address]:[Email Address], [Email Address]@row)>1,1,0 within a Flag Symbol or Checkbox Column so that if the Email Address is noted twice within a Column, it will add a Flag or Check a Checkbox to identify potential duplicate entries.

    Kindest Regards


  • Viktor Palles
    Viktor Palles ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Sean Morgan,

    thank you.

    Yes - that could be an option, but it's a raw data file for a report, so the flag would indicate any change. I solved it w/o a formula or workflow.

    Regards - Viktor

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