managing bulk update requests

I often need to 'bulk' send update requests for, say, 50 projects to a project manager when our head office asks for a new datapoint. Often these are literally just to fill out one cell per project. This comes through as one email (thankfully) with a 50-page update request form rather than 50 separate emails (which would be unmanageable). However, if the PM does not have the time/information to fill out the update request for ALL 50 projects in the same session, the information they do provide is lost if they close the session before completing. If they only have time for, say, 20 project updates and then click 'Next' 30 times to submit the data, the information for those 20 is updated on the sheet, but they are then unable to open the update request again to continue their work at a later point.

I've submitted an Enhancement Request asking for a 'Submit and Next' button to be added, but is there anything I'm missing in the meantime?

Best Answer

  • Amber Jackson
    Amber Jackson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @KLayne it may be easier for them to update a report.

    I would build a report for everyone with the criteria of your last data-point column being blank. They can update the report directly as they have time. They can even "drag" the cell down for multiple cells with the same value. This would save their data if they don't have time to update everything at once.

    Hope this helps!


  • Amber Jackson
    Amber Jackson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @KLayne it may be easier for them to update a report.

    I would build a report for everyone with the criteria of your last data-point column being blank. They can update the report directly as they have time. They can even "drag" the cell down for multiple cells with the same value. This would save their data if they don't have time to update everything at once.

    Hope this helps!