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cell linking for milestones

Ginny A.
Ginny A.
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have created a sheet for roll up of select rows only for sight using cell linking. I can't seem to get milestone icon. What appears as Milestone icon on regular sheet has come over to cell linked sheet as regular task. How do I get the milestone icon on the cell linked sheet? 


  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 03/13/17

    Hello Ginny,


    Milestones are created when a task is set to 0 duration. Your cell links are likely bringing over the Start Date value, which will create a default, single day task. You'll need to change the duration from 1 day to 0 in order to see the milestone.


    One caveat to this: the duration can't automatically be changed, or cell linked from your source sheet—you'll need to manually change the duration to 0 on the destination sheet to get the effect you want.

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