Access/visibility query

Hi been a while since I used Smartsheet but pretty sure this was possible previously.

'Master' list of customers....(admins central sheet of all customers). We then allocate them to 'Agents' - free collaborators that will have a report from the master sheet - showing them only the commercial data for their assigned customers.

Need to control the data access, so Agents should not see the master list, but can update status within their allocated customers/report. In trialling I can't seem to get that working - I have to share the master sheet for the data to appear on report - which would be fine if they only get the option to access the report - seems they also then get the Master shared to them. The Master is visible in Browse/folders...

Am I missing something basic here?



Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @colemant

    If you need users to Edit a Report (versus just view it), then yes, they will also need to be shared to the underlying sheet with Editor permissions as well. Please see this Help Article for more information: Share or Publish Your Report

    Depending on what plan type you have, you could use WorkApps (see here) to have them edit and work on the Report without sharing the underlying sheet, or the Premium add-on, Dynamic View (see here).

    If you're working just within the Smartsheet core application, you could potentially reverse the organization of your data. Each agent could have their own sheet with specific sharing permissions, then you could consolidate all the data into one Report for an overview of all the customers (instead of the master-sheet). Would this work for you?



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  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @colemant

    If you need users to Edit a Report (versus just view it), then yes, they will also need to be shared to the underlying sheet with Editor permissions as well. Please see this Help Article for more information: Share or Publish Your Report

    Depending on what plan type you have, you could use WorkApps (see here) to have them edit and work on the Report without sharing the underlying sheet, or the Premium add-on, Dynamic View (see here).

    If you're working just within the Smartsheet core application, you could potentially reverse the organization of your data. Each agent could have their own sheet with specific sharing permissions, then you could consolidate all the data into one Report for an overview of all the customers (instead of the master-sheet). Would this work for you?



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  • Thanks Genevieve I was coming round to the reverse approach as well - means a bit more admin and setup - can use this as fallback position. will look into workapps a bit more.

    thanks for coming back to me have a nice day.



  • Hi Tony, no problem! Let me know if you have any other questions about reports.



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