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Enhancement Request - Filter Columns

Eduard Mekler
Eduard Mekler ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I believe it would be greatly beneficial to be able to filter columns as well as rows.


The saved filter profiles was a great enhancement that allows sheets that are used for data tracking to be sorted to data subsets. If you could also save which columns are to be displayed to the filter profile then you could create views for specific stakeholder types. For example, on a sheet that tracks project metrics with each project having its own row, some groups may be interested in only a subset of the data. Coordinators, for example, may want to see only the the columns related to project status and dates, while business managers may want to see only the columns showing financial performance data.


This concept could be further improved by setting viewing permissions to a specific filter when sharing. For example, when you share the smartsheet with a coordinator they can only view the "coordination filter" whereas the manager could only view the "manager filter". You may have a limited public view of the project for "customer filter". This would allow the data to be stored in a common sheet, but ensure that stakeholders don't access fields that might otherwise be confidential. 


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