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Resource views

I can see the list of people BUT I could only see their assigment to the projects I managed. I would like to see all their asignement to work on Resource capacity.


If I go to one of my projects and in the Gantt graph I select the icon of Resource Management, then I could see all the projects assigned to this resource.


I would appreciate if somebody could indicate me what I should do to benefit from Resouce Management (sending afterwards to Excel helps a lot with further analysis).


Best regards,

José Luis Arias.


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    If the resource is assigned to something in a sheet with Resource Management enabled, you will be able to see the allocation on "Other Sheets" if you are not shared to the sheet.


    The icons will only show up on individual sheets if the resource is overallocated during the period of the task.


    I used the Resource Management to get an idea of resources available during a certain time period, to show when someone is tasked with work during their vacation or holiday, when delivery trucks were 'checked out', among other things.




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