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About Auto Reminders

Heshy Tauber
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi Community ,I have an Invoice sheet w


i manage i auto Repairs shop on wheels Receivables I have an Invoice sheet tracker 


I have an Invoice sheet where I have the following columns

a column "service date " date type 

 a check column  type "send invoice "

a check column " completed  " 

and Description of service as a text type 

"next schedule date " Date column


so my question is here i want to create an If scenario on alerts  


=if Description of service contains the word "PM" then it should calculate by the next scheduled date Column a date for 3 month from service date 


then i can make a reminder to go back to customer for another inspection 5 days before next scheduled date?


but my main question is how to do the formula to calculate 3 month from service date only if the column contains in the description the word PM


maybe i can do it as a service code any suggestions on how to Proceed?


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