I need a solution to look in the Purchase column, figure out how many times the PO is in that column

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  • I didn't get to finish what I was trying to ask.... I hit enter before I was ready. What I need is to be able to look at the Purchase Order column, see how many times a PO in is there, then look in the Actual column, get the count and return a total of all.

  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Patti Pankey ,

    To do this in the same sheet, add text/number columns [PO Count] and [PO Actual].

    In [PO Count] input the column formula: =COUNTIF([Purchase Order]:[Purchase Order], @cell=[Purchase Order]@row)

    In [PO Actual] enter the column formula:

    =SUMIF([Actual Qty Received]:[Actual Qty Received], [Purchase Order]:[Purchase Order], @cell=[Purchase Order]@row)

    You should get the count and actual sum for the purchase order at the row.



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  • The formula for PO Count works great... the other shows #INVALID OPERATION..??

  • I went back and used your formula, I just made it SUMIFS and it worked. Thank you!

  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Patti Pankey ,

    Glad you found a solution. Please accept an answer to close the discussion.

    Thank you for using the Community.


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