My Task Report on a Dashboard


I created a My Task Report to show my current task but with the "current user" filter. I would like to put this on our project dashboard but showing the current users task based on the person viewing the dashboard.

Everything I am trying shows up wrong and only shows my task or nothing at all (missing source report).

Also, is there a way to show summary totals from a report in a chart on the dashboard? I don't need all the infomation, just the summarized counts.



  • SoS | Dan Palenchar
    SoS | Dan Palenchar Community Champion

    You should have these settings in the report widget Advanced Options

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

    If my answer helped please accept and react w/💡Insightful, ⬆️ Vote Up, ❤️Awesome!

  • Stephanie Tran
    Stephanie Tran ✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/24/21

    Thank you for your help however, that is the setting I have set. I am attaching a screen shot of my report, my settings for the report on the dashboard and what my coworker sees.

    The above value I have selected is "current user".

    I can see my task on the dashboard but my coworkers do not see theirs.

    This a screen grab of what they see. The error "missing source report" Once I share the report out to them, they see my task not theirs.

  • Yuan Wong
    Yuan Wong ✭✭✭


    have you tried the other option: use Widget Editor

    sorry don't have anyone currently to test this feature out on my project with gantt's sensitive information on my end.


    As for your other question:

    show summary totals from a report in a chart on the dashboard? I don't need all the information, just the summarized counts.

    I try to make it as simple as possible with some photos to answer your question:

    try this:

    Step 1: File ----- Create a New report ---

    Step 2: Create a New report --- click on SHEET SUMMARY REPORT

    Select your sheet : TAH & Educator (or any other sheet) ---then pick your columns (*from your sheet*)

    For the columns pick what you would like displayed and it should show a total of the columns on your report status.

    Step 3: Go back to your Dashboard and Edit ---- click on "+Add Widget" --- Chart

    select the created Summary Report above-- TAH Summary Data REPORT

    then there you have your new Chart/graph 😀

    Hope this is what you were asking for.

  • Hi @Stephanie Tran,

    I'm assuming you were able to get this fixed, but I did want to ask if everyone was shared to the reports?

    Question back to you is, if you did get this fixed, how did you do it?

